Definition of Gravitational field

1. Noun. A field of force surrounding a body of finite mass.

Generic synonyms: Field, Field Of Force, Force Field

Definition of Gravitational field

1. Noun. (physics) the field produced by the gravitational force of mass ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Gravitational Field

gravitation abscess
gravitation wave
gravitational attraction
gravitational collapse
gravitational constant
gravitational convection
gravitational field
gravitational fields
gravitational force
gravitational interaction
gravitational lens
gravitational lenses
gravitational lensing
gravitational propulsion
gravitational radiation
gravitational redshift
gravitational singularities
gravitational singularity
gravitational slingshot
gravitational theory

Literary usage of Gravitational field

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein (1921)
"... XIX THE gravitational field "TF we pick up a stone and then let it go, why J[ does it fall to the ground?" The usual answer to this question is: ..."

2. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1883)
"... 43 seconds of arc per century, the deflection of starlight by the sun's gravitational field, and the effect of a gravitational field on the wavelength ..."

3. The Theory of General Relativity and Gravitation: Based on a Course of by Ludwik Silberstein (1922)
"In the sub-case of a stationary gravitational field, when the whole tensor of matter is reduced to T^ = p, we have by (726), as the only surviving 7'« ..."

4. The Elements of Physics: A College Text-book by Edward Leamington Nichols, William Suddards Franklin (1896)
"(4) gravitational field at a point is defined by the equation F = mlg (see Art. 311). From Newton's law of gravitation, we have F = k~.^ (see Art. 57, Vol. ..."

5. The Theory of Relativity by Robert Daniel Carmichael (1920)
"This property is also shared by the force of gravitation; the gravitational field produces an acceleration which is independent of the nature or the mass of ..."

6. Magnetic Fields of Force: An Exposition of the Phenomena of Magnetism by Hermann Ebert (1897)
"gravitational field of force.—At all places on the earth's surface we find that freely movable masses have a tendency to move downward, this tendency being ..."

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